Tuesday 3 March 2020

Whimsical Art

Whimsical Art is also know as funky or cute art.

Whimsical Art is a vibrant and playful style of art that is childlike and carefree. Commonly associated with children’s books and fairy tale art, this artwork lifts the spirts and makes you happy. Whimsical Art is mostly bright, colorful and fun.

                                   Here are a few ideas on how to maintain your whimsy:

                                          Laugh at yourself don’t take yourself so seriously...
                                          Laugh by yourself, enjoy your own company...
                                          Pause production, you can’t work all the time...
                                          Get a hobby...(paint whimsical paintings)
                                          Find fun in you daily rhythms...
                                          Look for good things around you...
                                          Make people smile...
                                          Love deeply...
                                          Enjoy everyday...

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