Monday 23 September 2019

Aluminum can and recycling with a more distinct purpose!

Shirley gave me the idea to post about things we have around our homes that can be recycled and made into things we find neat to look at and also  some useful things to breathe life back into a used item.
This round, it's aluminum cans and what can be done to give them a whole new look.
Aluminum can flower... I really like it and it's decorative for the yard!
Don't forget to stick one up your chicken's butt! 

To me, this next one is kinda neat!

This next one, a leaf wreath is really well done!
and the last for now... something you definitely can't use!

I noticed a lot of neat things made from aluminum cans...including jewelry! 

Okay... going to post this. Wishing you all  a wonderful week ahead!

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